Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Reunion in Scotland

This weekend I practically crossed the country by train; I spent a weekend in Scotland to reunite with five of my closest friends from high school.
I had the best time, it felt just like the old times, we all cooked dinner together, hung out on the beach, made cake, had brunch at a farm, strolled in a cemetery at night, and probably ingested 16,000 calories each. We like to believe fat during a weekend with friends doesn't count.
St. Andrews was super tiny but really quite charming, and it was surprisingly much sunnier and warmer than down south.

The second set of photos is from a day out in London I went on by myself last weekend (I visited the National Gallery, Buckingham Palace and checked out a few Fashion Week events) + the Promenade magazine launch in Brighton, for which I am the street style editor (check out the magazine here).

Where Kate and Prince William met

Breakfast at King's Cross

Super busy these weeks! Though I just got back, I'm flying to Rome at 4 am on Saturday. So excited to be home! Been really homesick lately (mostly for food). 
Expect updates,
C x
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